joi, 25 octombrie 2012

Make Your Mark - New Hidden Floor Released

A new Floor has been added to the Store Make your Mark and is available only in US
If you live elsewhere and do not see this store have 
all the clothes in your dresssing room by clicking

Girl Vs Monster Hidden Store Released

The Store is available only in US
If you live elsewhere and do not see this store have 
all the clothes in your dresssing room by clicking

Supertrash Girls Real Brand Released on Harrods

The New Real Brand on Harrods is now available in the Starplaza on the Harrods section

Next Facebook Gift Available

Just reminding you that you have to have liked Stardoll on Facebook to get the gift! :)!!

If you haven't got it yet, log in into your Facebook account and click >>HERE<< .

Hot Buys Diamond Print Frock Released

It costs 22 Stardollars and you can find it in Original Future 

New Store Coming to Stardoll(?) - D-Signed Girl vs Monster

Glitch at Transform Make-UP


The new Make up Store "TRANSFORM" is now up at Starplaza, and there is one glitch .

Go to Starplaza Beauty

 and buy it before they make it 19 Stardollars

Transform Make Up: Released

The New make up store got released:

Sneak Peek - Transform Make Up

50% OFF Sale on Pretty n' Love

If you have waited for a sale to have your favourite pieces of Pretty n' Love now is your chance cause stardoll just put it on sale(50% OFF).

JCP Hidden Store Released

Just got released in the US.

It is actually old JCP clothes with the addition of a new floor
and the best part is that they are really cheap :)

If you are not from US, to have all the clothes in your dressing room(old and new) just click


New Original Future.

Some new original future has been released in the starplaza!

JCP Hidden Stardoll Store

Stardoll has accidentaly released some JCP clothes earlier than the expected...

Although, only one of them shows up.

It is possible to buy the items, but remember this is a glitch and the store will probably be released only tomorrow!

Plus for now, if you buy them, they will NOT appear in your suite - watch out!!!

These are the items:

It is available in the US.
If you are from anywhere else click  >>HERE<<  to have all the clothes in your dressing room

TRANSFORM Make Up Spoilers

We can be sure now that this is actually a Store.
The only thing left to see is if it will be a regular make up store like DOT and LUXE
or it will be a Campaign Hidden Store.

Until Then here are the products of the new Transform Make Up Store that will hit Starplaza soon...

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