joi, 6 septembrie 2012

Broadcast limit! 100 broadcasts a day
I just noticed something unusual in the top broadcasters list for today. It says that all of them sent 100 broadcasts except the first one who sent just 7 more. It's very unlikely that they all just sent 100 broadcasts as usually the top broadcasters send thousands so it leads me to believe that it's either a glitch or else stardoll put a 100 broadcasts a day limit for MSW. This is just my own thoughts, nothing is confirmed from the staff yet but I thought I'd post this to see what you all thought.
UPDATE: One of our readers Mecooooooooo contacted the staff and they replied with this message
"Thanks for getting in touch with us.

We've had an unprecedented number of users sending broadcasts in the last week because of MSW (some users have sent several hundreds). Each broadcast is shown for a few seconds and there are a finite number of seconds each day so there's no way for us to hurry broadcasts through.

To solve the problem we've limited the number of broadcasts per day to a 100 per user for the next few weeks. This should hopefully reduce the queue over the next few days"

So it's official, there is a 100 broadcasts a day limit for the time being. Personally I think this is a really good idea and stardoll should continue to do it as long as MSW is on. This would prevent people saying that you need loads of money to win MSW because the people who could afford thousands of broadcasts would be limited.

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