vineri, 14 septembrie 2012

Hot Buys Masks Released

The Hot Buys Masks have been released!

They cost 9 stardollars each and are available in Splendid or by clicking HERE.

If you know their real life versions, please tell us in comments!

Spoilers: Young Hollywood?

Here are some spoilers that appeared but i am not sure if these are the young hollywood ones.

For example the dog is part of Lego Friends Campaign but on the other hand there is a red carpet among them which could easily fit the Young Hollywood store.
Plus most look like freebies or a campaign store!!
So..only some of them might be Young Hollywood....or maybe none.

Young Hollywood In Starplaza?

Stardoll has accidentaly released some Young Hollywood clothes earlier than the expected...

Although, none of them shows up and they all cost 999 starcoins/stardollars.

It is possible to buy the items, but remember this is a glitch and Young Hollywood will probably be released only tomorrow!

Plus for now, if you buy them, they will NOT appear in your suite - watch out!!!

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